
Why did you start your blog?
This blog was launched in late 2016, I felt like I had so many ideas and no creative outlet so I made p&t as a means to share my thoughts and feelings with all of you. This blog is also a reminder to be creative and authentic, not only to myself but to all of my readers. I often find myself in a rut, feeling creatively blocked and bored out of my mind and this blog is a way to make sure I keep my creativity flowing all year round.

What do you want to achieve with your blog?
I want to inspire people to see the beauty in all the little things, to be confident in who they are and what they wear. I want to remind people that there is no such thing as perfection and that there are good qualities in ever single person if you only stop to notice. Most of all I want to help people overcome the fear that social normalities have put on people who were born to stand out.  The moment you overcome that fear and start doing things for yourself, rather than other people you'll understand the true meaning of liberation.

Whats a typical Paris and Thread reader like?
I think that readers of paris and thread come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, so there isn't a clear way to describe the demographic I'm trying to reach. If I were to try, I'd say adventurous, open minded, authentic, makeup lovers and everyone in-between. The blog itself is probably going to be all over the place and so I expect my audience to be all over the place too. 

Whats in store for the future?
Possibly a youtube channel focusing makeup and clothes. I don't think I'd have the confidence to start without seeing how blogging goes first though!
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